Term 1 - Sabot Coaching.


Every Friday Afternoon at 4:00pm from February 28 to April 04 inclusive
Australian Sailing - Intermediate Fleet Coaching Program

Course information

This is a weekly session run on Friday Afternoons from 4pm to 6pm and is intended for those competitive sabot sailors looking for performance coaching in order to develop and improve their knowledge of the rules, sailing tactics and strategies.

This level of coaching requires the sailors to either have had regatta experience or be ready to experience or compete at sailing regatta's.

Please aim to be rigged up before the session begins. Briefings will commence at 4:00pm.

The cost for the 6 sessions is $180.

Program Focus:

The Intermediate Fleet Program includes scheduled and regular coaching. Allowing you to practice and race in club and class association programs at clubs.

At Intermediate Fleet level you may remain active- for-life, and enjoy lifelong activity which can cross multiple disciplines, and class of boat or board. 

During the Intermediate Fleet Program, there is continued freesail opportunity to support further enjoyment in the sport and environment. 


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