
DPSS takes the integrity and safety of members, volunteers and visitors seriously.

The club has a number of policies to ensure our members, volunteers and visitors can be safe whilst participating in club activities. 

Integrity - Member Protection Policy

Australian Sailing Member Protection Policy (MPP) follows the guidelines set out by the Australian Sports Commission. DPSS has legal and moral obligations to provide safe environments for all participants of club activities. The MPP is designed to meet these obligations and to maintain responsible behaviour and ethical and informed decision-making within Australian sport. 

The following documents can be downloaded below:

  • Australian Sailing Member Protection Policy 2023

Integrity - Child Safety Policy

DPSS Child Safety Policy follows the guidelines set out by the Australian Sports Commission, Australian Sailing  and the Queensland Government's Blue Card Services Child and Youth Management Strategy. DPSS takes pride in providing a safe environment for children and teenagers as well as officials, coaches, instructors and volunteers. Anyone who works with children and young people at DPSS have a responsibility to keep those children and young people safe.

The following documents can be downloaded below:

  • DPSS Child Safety Policy including
    • Child and Young Person Risk Management Strategy
    • Attachment 1 - Codes of Conduct
    • Attachment 2 - Working with Children Requirements in Queensland
    • Attachment 3 - Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse
  • Australian Sailing Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Fact Sheet - Understanding the blue card system
  • Fact Sheet - Rights and obligations of blue card holders

DPSS also has policies to protect the privacy of members and guests as well as the safety of children and young people under the age of 18 years in relatio to social media. The following policies can also be downloaded below:

Integrity - Communication Policy

Integrity - Social Media Policy

Integrity - Privacy Policy

DPSS Operating procedures

Whether you are a coach, instructor or volunteer, please take time to read the following DPSS's policies and procedures. Please inform the committee if in your view these documents require updating.

Safety management - Operating procedures

The operating procedures ensure DPSS conducts safe operations during Discover Sailing School courses and DPSS races and regattas.

Safety management - Incident management plan

In the unlikely event of an emergency, the Incident management plan outlines responsibilities and procedures to be followed.

Safety management - Risk management plan

The aim of DPSS is to provide a safe environment for all involved in activities and events at DPSS. We all have a responsibility to ensure safety is our number one priority.


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